The first version of the newly rebuilt Secuna Platform includes features and functionalities that are relevant for running a vulnerability assessment and penetration testing program after availing our Secuna Pentest service. You can check the core functionalities for this version in Version 1.0.0 release.

v1.4.4 | Platform Optimization and Enhancements

v1.4.3 | Report Management Improvements

v1.4.2 | Bugfixes for v1.4.1 issues

v1.4.1 | UX Improvements on Markdown Fields on Reporting and Comments, Membership Management, and Bugfixes

v1.4.0 | Improved User Onboarding, Notifications, and Bugfixes

v1.3.3 | Account Creation Improvements and Bugfixes

v1.3.2 | Security Enhancements and Bug Fixes

v1.3.1 | Program Collaboration Hotfix

v1.3.0 | Program Collaboration Feature

v1.2.2 | Program Sidebar Bugfixes

v1.2.1 | Markdown Enhancements

v1.2.0 | Generic Report URLs

v1.1.3 | Security and Bug Fixes

v1.1.2 | Decluttering Duplicate Notifications

v1.1.1 | Report Status Improvements

v1.0.1 | Notifications and Bug Fixes

v1.0.0 | Introducing the New Secuna Platform