Release Date: April 5, 2023

Hey everyone,

We apologize for the slight delay in pushing our latest changes to our production server. We have been working hard to ensure that we continuously improve our new platform.

This new version merges versions 1.1.0 and 1.1.1 into a single release, bringing you some platform enhancements and bug fixes.

Here are the highlights of this release:


→ Report statuses made clearer

We have renamed the Retested status to Fix Confirmed to make it clearer to both security researchers and organization users what this status means. The Retested status was previously used to indicate that a fix has been validated as working, but it could also be interpreted to mean that the retesting process has only been done but the result of the retesting is not clearly implied.

The new Fix Confirmed status will make it clear to both security researchers and organization users that the fix has been tested and confirmed to be working. This will help to improve communication and collaboration between security researchers and organization users, and it will help to ensure that security vulnerabilities are fixed as quickly as possible.

Here is an updated overview of the life cycle of a report in the Secuna platform:

V2 - Reporting System (1).png

→ Reports list and submissions made more organized

We have updated the way reports are displayed when you visit the reports page (organization users) or report submissions page (security researchers). We have added the last updated information in the report cards so that it is easier for both organization users and security researchers to keep track of the activity of the reports (especially the open ones).

In addition, instead of sorting the reports by submission date from most recent to oldest, we changed the sorting to display reports from most recent to oldest according to their last updated value. This way, reports with the most recent activity will always catch the user’s attention for them to check.

ORGANIZATION USER: List of reports for a program page

ORGANIZATION USER: List of reports for a program page

SECURITY RESEARCHER: Report submissions page

SECURITY RESEARCHER: Report submissions page

→ Resend user invitations

We have added a capability to reinvite organization users and security researchers who were previously invited to join the platform but had not received the invitation link through their emails OR had their invitation links expired. This allows us to have users still use their email to create an account in our platform even after they failed to complete the registration process when they first received the invitation links. Invitation links still expire after 24 hours.
