Release Date: March 12, 2024

Hey everyone,

Great news for our current and soon-to-be onboarded organization users! For this release, we have addressed one of the major pain points that our users encounter when onboarding their team members in their organization along with other essential updates and bug fixes. Let us break down these updates for you below:

🔄️ Program and Organization Member Invitation Process

We have reworked our member invitation process to make it easier for owners and admins to onboard other members of their team into the Secuna Platform.

Previously, our new user onboarding process involves a 2-step process wherein a user should be invited and accept the invitation to join the organization first before they can be added to a program. This introduces a friction in the onboarding experience of users.

In our new process, users can now be directly added to both the program and organization (if they are not a member of the organization yet) at the same time. This allows programs owners and admins to save time in onboarding other members of the team in their security programs.

🎨 A New Look for the Program Member Invitation Modal

We redesigned our program member invitation modal to make it more intuitive for program owners and admins.

In the new design, existing members of their organization who are not part of the program yet are displayed in a list and can be easily selected to be added to the program. We also included an option to invite or add users to the program who are not a member of the organization or have not registered in the Secuna Platform yet.

Quick Links to Support

A help feature has been added in the navigation bar to help users access useful links to help them navigate better in the Secuna Platform. This includes the following link: